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Lesson in Promoted Tweets

It’s important to be active on Twitter to engage with existing and potential customers. Twitter is an online form of “word-of-mouth,” so it’s best to interact with other users. While tweeting is necessary for day-to-day interaction, you may want to try Promoted Tweets for upcoming sales and promotions. Promoted Tweets are effective in capturing leads and driving users to your website. If you’re not a social media strategist, you probably have a lot of questions. Here are some answers according to Twitter’s support page:

What are Promoted Tweets?
Promoted Tweets are purchased Tweets that reach a wider group of users than solely your followers. These Tweets are labeled “Promoted” when the Tweet has been paid for. They act like an ordinary Tweet and can be responded to, retweeted and favorited.

When should I use them?
Since Promoted Tweets reach more people who may be interested in your business, Promoted Tweets are used to “drive a particular action via Twitter” or “drive awareness for your business.” You may choose to use Promoted Tweets to offer coupons and deals, drive leads, promote awareness of events and product launches or ask for retweets to expand the audience.

Where do users see Promoted Tweets?
Users see Promoted Tweets in five main areas: search results, home timelines, enhanced profile pages, official Twitter clients and third-party Twitter clients. Enhanced profile pages refer to the recent “pinning” action as a Promoted Tweet may be pinned. Official Twitter clients include TweetDeck, Twitter for iPhone and many others. Lastly, Third-party Twitter clients include HootSuite, Sprout Social and more.

How often will people see Promoted Tweets in their timeline?
Since users are more interested in seeing regular Tweets rather than Promoted Tweets, Twitter is conservative in the amount of Promoted Tweets users see through searches and timelines. A user will see a specific Promoted Tweet once a day.